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20 March 2023 · in 2023/24 and postgraduate

2023 to 2024: Postgraduate applications open soon!

Postgraduate Master’s and Doctoral applications are expected to open from May 2023.

05 December 2022 · in 2023 to 2024 and undergraduate full-time

2023 to 2024: Help students get ready, sign up to our mailing list!

Full-time undergraduate student finance applications for the 2023 to 2024 academic year are expected to open from April 2024.

21 November 2022 · in financial hardship support

We’ve made it easier for students to apply for financial hardship support

Students can now apply for financial hardship support by uploading the improved Financial Hardship Form and any associated evidence directly to us via their online account.

29 September 2022 · in 2022 to 2023, care leaver and estranged

New information and resources for Estranged and Care Leaver students

Important updates for students who qualify for student finance as estranged from their parents or who are care leavers.

11 August 2022 · in clearing

Clearing is coming!

A-level results day is just around the corner, so many students will be turning to you for help.

11 August 2022 · in 2022 to 2023, undergraduate full-time and payment

Helping students get their first student finance payment

It’s important you help students know what to do to get their first student finance payment on time.

10 June 2022 · in 2022 to 2023, undergraduate full-time and deadline

The deadline for full-time undergraduate student finance applications has passed

It’s important to remind students that it’s not too late to make an application and get some money in time for the start of their course.

09 May 2022 · in 2022 to 2023 and undergraduate part-time

2022 to 2023: Part-time applications are now open!

2022 to 2023: Part-time applications are now open!

09 May 2022 · in 2022 to 2023 and postgraduate

2022 to 2023: Postgraduate applications are now open!

Encourage your students to apply as early as possible to make sure they get their student finance in time for the start of their course.