Consent to share

We cannot discuss any aspect of your account or application with anyone else, without your permission. This includes your parents or partner, a legal representative, or someone from your university or college.

However, we know many students find it useful to occasionally allow another person to call us on their behalf. That's where Consent to share can help.

What is consent to share?

Consent to share is written or verbal authorisation which allows us to provide account information, with the exception of your bank details, to a third party you have nominated.

How do you set up consent to share for someone?

You can set up a consent in your online account (opens in a new tab), by selecting ‘give permission for someone to contact us on your behalf'. Alternatively, you can set up consent by calling our customer support centre or by writing to us at the following address:

Student Finance Wales
c/o Student Loans Company Ltd
11 Carnegie Road
G52 4WH
Fax: 0141 306 2005

We'll need you to provide the following:

Information about you

  • your Customer Reference Number
  • your name
  • your address

Information about the person for whom you are providing consent to share

  • their full name
  • their full address, including post code
  • their date of birth
  • their relationship to you
  • a password that we will ask them for to verify who they are. Make sure they know what it is
  • a date specifying when this consent to share is valid until (or if it’s indefinite)

If the third party is a person from a university, college or other organisation we will ask you to provide:

  • the name of the university, college or other organisation.
  • a password – no information will be given unless this is confirmed by the third party.
  • a date specifying when the consent to share should expire or, to confirm if it’s indefinite.

There can be a maximum of two named third parties on any one account.

Calling Student Finance Wales if you have consent to share

Each time you contact Student Finance Wales by phone, you will need to give:

  • the student’s Customer Reference Number and name
  • your full name
  • your full address, including post code
  • your date of birth
  • your relationship to the student
  • the password the student chose and gave to you.

Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney is an official legal document that allows you to grant attorney to a third party to release or update information relating to your account.

To grant a person Power of Attorney, you need to fill in a form giving their name, the specific period for which they can act on your behalf, and the specific tasks that they can perform.

The person holding Power of Attorney will need to confirm their details before any information is released to them.

You should contact us for further information about Power of Attorney.